How to install SwineHub ============================ 1. Install Apache HTTPd with Subversion modules. 2. Load Subversion modules on HTTPd config. 3. Create the directories: - /var/svn - /var/svn-cache - /var/swinehub All of their owners must be set to the user running Apache HTTPd. 4. Create the empty file `/var/swinehub/auth`. 5. Create the file `/var/swinehub/authz` with the following content: [groups] #%NEW-GROUP [/] * = r 6. Make Apache HTTPd use /svn as Subversion Parent Location. 7. Specify `/var/svn` as SVNParentPath. 8. Specify `/var/swinehub/auth` as AuthUserFile. 9. Specify `/var/swinehub/authz` as AuthzSVNAccessFile. 10. Copy dist/style.css, dist/script.js into DocumentRoot. 11. Build SwineHub with `./configure && make all`. NOTE: Some platforms somehow do not build with GCC. If GCC does not work, try `./configure CC=clang && make all`. 12. Copy bin/swinehub.cgi into DocumentRoot. 13. Make Apache HTTPd use DocumentRoot/swinehub.cgi somehow. (e.g. ScriptAlias) 14. Enjoy. $Id: INSTALL,v 1.2 2023/07/06 23:43:06 nishi Exp $